Final Studies: Myers School of Art Class of 2020

Akron Art Museum
2 min readJul 26, 2020


Undergraduate Students, University of Akron

Graphic Design

Title of Exhibition: Augment

What is Augment?

Augment is designed to present the portfolios of the Myers School of Art Class of 2020 Graphic Designers. Initially intended to display work physically, the show evolved into something we could have never have anticipated. Although the change was abrupt, it was exactly what we had been trained for — approaching design in an innovative way. COVID-19 made us adapt the exhibition’s ideas with creative solutions to preserve our vision and show the world what designers do: solve problems. As a whole, Augment presents how our individual strengths are complemented in a team format. Together, we created a senior show like no other to bring you an interactive experience through an online network of portfolios.

While we are not able to shake your hand and introduce ourselves, we’re still here and ready to augment your team.

