#TryThis Contact Paper Collage

Akron Art Museum
2 min readApr 29, 2020

Gina Thomas McGee, Curator of Education

How many times have you cleaned your house this week? Four thousand? Me, too. Which is why I’m here with a VERY low-mess collage project for you and/or your family today.

Here is what you’ll need:

Clear contact paper

Masking or painter’s tape

Scraps for collage- wrapping paper, tissue paper, ribbons, paper, anything relatively flat

The process:

  1. Choose a spot for your collage. I love doing this on a window so the overall effect is like contemporary stained glass.
  2. Tape the contact paper to your chosen surface with masking tape. I like to do this before I peel off the contact paper backing, so the paper doesn’t stick to itself.
  3. Make sure the sticky side of the contact paper is facing UP
  4. Peel the backing.
  5. Collage! Simply place your scraps in any arrangement on the sticky side of the contact paper.

This is a great self-directed project for children, who can work on the collage in spurts (while you’re cleaning, again. Or working at home. Or taking a shower. Or hiding in your room eating their Easter candy.) They won’t need scissors, glue, or snacks. Just kidding, they’ll still need snacks.

Adults, this is a great project for days when you want to step away from your phone or computer. The process is really satisfying and even meditative.

Good luck and enjoy! We’d love to see your finished pieces.

#TryThis is made possible with support from PNC, the Mary S. and David C. Corbin Foundation, the Alan and Janice Woll Family Fund, OMNOVA Solutions Foundation, Peg’s Foundation, Robert O. and Annamae Orr Family Foundation, Kathy Moses Salem Philanthropic Fund of the Akron Community Foundation, Charles E. and Mabel M. Richie Foundation and Mr. and Mrs. William H. Considine

